Instructions to notify the driver details  through the web portal

(art. 126 bis par. 2 of Highway Code)


The procedure available on web portal allow to communicate online the driver details. After entry to the report  insert the details on section  "Search Report" and compilated the statement, the user must download the pre-completed forms with the data  previously entered, print it out, sign it, scan it and, in the next step, reload it on the web portal with a copy of driving licence of driver.

When the communication with the attachments has been sent, the user will receive a acknowledge reception to the email comunicated before during the procedure. Only with the acknowledge reception  is sure that  the procedure of  communication is ended.

Please Note. – If the acknowledge reception  within 1-2 days from the transmission of the communication does not come  it is recommended to verify the correct completion of procedure, the user can send email to or certified electronic mail (PEC) to

The communication  of the details of the  person in charge  of the report can be send:

<> link you can download the detailed manual of procedure to send  through the web portal.



To start the procedure of communication , the user must entry to the report  insert the details  (date, number, license plate) in the form "Search Report". When the access is obtained, the procedure is started by clicking on the "Fill in the driver report form" in the section "Point reduction".


The user must insert all required personal details: only for the owner of the vehicle if is  also driver or for both if the owner and driver are different people. The details of  driving licence  must communicated only by the driver.


After the insert data, the user can download and print the pre-compilated form of communication with the data previously entered and, after, loading on web portal  of the documentation:

1)  Data communication form signed and scanned;
2)  front-back copy  of driving licence of driver.


​The upload of n. 3 files is allowed: form, front copy of driving licence , back copy of driving licence. Each file can eventually contain more than one element (for example front-back copy  of driving licence): the essential is that 3 files are loaded , otherwise the procedure will not proceed.

Please Note. – The documents to load must be  in  PDF o JPG  format and have a maximum overall size  of 5 MB.


The copy of  driving licence of driver must signed from driver and have the following statement:

" I, the undersigned ________ born in _______ on ______ and resident in _________ in street/square ______ DECLARE that the copy of this document complies with the original into my possession."

ATTENTION – If the user does not attach the scan of driving licence  of driver, the statement is not valid and  therefore it will not be captured or registered as part of the procedure.

After uploading the attachments and  completed the procedure, an email will be send to the  email address with a receipt  of  statement of transmission 
Please Note.  ​ If necessary (Incoherent information, missing attachments  or non-compliant, etc.) the office will contact the user by email asking  information and required supplementary documentation  to validate the communication and and start the points reduction procedure.


Click here to search the report  and to entry to the procedure to send the driver details.